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Good Farmer Fund

Our farmers make it all possible.

Without them, we would not have a market, we could not serve our community. But in times of crisis - extreme weather, wildfires, pandemics - there is no guarantee that the produce our farmers so carefully picked will get sold. In fact, most days when we choose to stay inside for our health, our farmers are out there working even if they don't have a market to attend. They are out there for us, so we need to be there for them. 

We developed the Good Farmer Fund in 2018. Supported entirely by donations from our community members and awarded by our board of directors, we were able to grant $5250 to our farmers during the 2020 season to assist with replacing tents broken by the wind, replacing income lost to smoke-related market cancellations, and to cushion the blow of a global pandemic. 

It is our hope that in the future years we will see the Good Farmer Fund grow exponentially, so that we can develop a robust safety net for our farmers, who take such excellent care of us.

If you wish to support this goal, consider making a donation below.

Cascade Community Markets

PO Box 2184

Leavenworth, WA 98826

(509) 885-3474

EIN 26-4780834


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